Rank math seo course review

Rank Math SEO Course Review: 12 Essential Considerations

I have experienced many SEO courses over the years, so when the Rank Math SEO course appeared, I had to wonder: does it bring anything new to the table? The Rank Math folks are very confident in their product, and kindly allowed me a temporary sneak peek into their new SEO course …so now we can find out! Note: they didn't ask me to be anything but honest, so we're going to dig into this with honest and critical verve!

Granted, mastering SEO is no small feat, and the continuously evolving nature of search engine algorithms makes it a field where learning never stops. It makes sense that there would be new SEO courses popping up all the time, but then that means we have a bunch of websites and logins to different courses in different places, each with their own forte.

So with a plethora of online SEO courses available, it's crucial, efficient (and less expensive!) to pick one strong course that not only imparts foundational knowledge but also keeps you abreast of the latest trends and best practices.

That's the holy grail. And when looking for that holy grail, there are a number of aspects to consider.

Here are 12 criteria I look for when selecting an online SEO course. (Let's see if/how Rank Math's SEO Course measures up… )

12 Essential Things to Look for in an SEO Course

1. Comprehensive Curriculum

A well-structured SEO course should offer a broad curriculum that covers all aspects of SEO, including:

  • On-page SEO: Understanding keyword research, meta tags, content optimization, URL structuring, and user experience.
  • Off-page SEO: Building backlinks, social media strategies, and understanding the nuances of domain authority.
  • Technical SEO: Learning about site speed optimization, responsive design, XML sitemaps, and structured data markup.
  • Local SEO: Tactics to optimize local listings and understand local search dynamics.
  • SEO Tools and Analytics: Familiarity with, or even training in, tools like Google Analytics, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, and Google Search Console.

Rank Math's Offering: the Rank Math SEO Course charts the full spectrum of SEO essentials, from the foundational principles to advanced strategies, covering keyword research, content optimization, link building, technical SEO, and beyond.

The course, broken down by module, fits perfectly. So far, so good!

( See the Full Module List Here )

Module 1: SEO Foundations

This module provides a solid overview of SEO fundamentals, such as what SEO is, how it works, and the different types of SEO. It also covers important concepts such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.

Module 2: Keyword Research

This module teaches learners how to conduct keyword research and identify the right keywords to target for their website. It covers topics such as keyword difficulty, search intent, and long-tail keywords.

Module 3: On-Page SEO

This module covers all aspects of on-page SEO, such as title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, content optimization, and image optimization. It also teaches learners how to use Rank Math to improve their on-page SEO.

Module 4: Technical SEO

This module covers technical SEO topics such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data. It teaches learners how to improve their technical SEO and make their website more visible to search engines.

Module 5: Link Building

This module covers the importance of link building and how to build high-quality backlinks to your website. It also teaches learners how to avoid link building spam and other black hat SEO practices.

Module 6: Off-Page SEO

This module covers other off-page SEO techniques, such as social media marketing and guest blogging. It teaches learners how to use these techniques to promote their website and build brand awareness.

Module 7: SEO Analytics

This module teaches learners how to track and measure their SEO results. It covers topics such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO tools.

2. Current and Updated Content

SEO is a moving target, with search engines regularly updating their algorithms. Ensure the course offers the latest SEO strategies and is updated frequently to reflect changes in the field.

Rank Math's Commitment: The SEO world is in constant flux, and Rank Math’s pledge to upload at least one new video every month, coupled with regular updates to existing material, ensures that learners stay abreast of the latest industry trends. If they stick to this committment, this will differentiate them favorably from a number of other offerings.

3. Expert Instructors

Instructors should have proven expertise and experience in SEO. Look for courses taught by industry professionals who have a track record of success and are currently active in the SEO community.

Rank Math's Experts: Rank Math stands apart with instructors who are seasoned professionals and active contributors to the SEO community, offering insights born from real-world experience and success. We know this from their main product offering, and we have seen for years how they have helped over 2.3 MILLION people with their SEO. At that scale, the data can bring the credibility and I would expect the Rank Math SEO Course to be equally as good.

4. Practical Learning Experience

The best SEO course should include hands-on tasks, real-world examples, case studies, and exercises that allow you to apply what you learn. Interactive components such as quizzes and assignments help reinforce knowledge.

Rank Math's Approach: The Rank Math SEO course appears to be designed to apply learning through practical exercises, including real-world case studies and tasks that mirror current SEO challenges, allowing for an interactive and engaging learning experience.

In my early preview of the course, this is an area where I would have liked to see more in the form of hands-on exercises, quizzes or ways to make concrete all the concepts. Perhaps this is an aspect that they plan to incorporate in the future or in an on-going fashion. They did do a good job in the walkthroughs of certain tasks, so as the course rolls out, I would anticipate more hands-on participation. This would be in keeping with their model of an on-going, ever-evolving course and community.

5. Support and Interaction

Check if the course provides support via forums, Q&A sessions, or one-on-one mentorship. Interaction with instructors and peers can enhance the learning experience and offer networking opportunities.

Rank Math's Community: The course extends beyond the instructional videos to provide a robust support system, with access to expert forums and direct advice tailored to individual business needs—a real boon for practical problem-solving. This inclusion also differentiates the course favorably from similar offerings. With feedback built-in to the Rank Math SEO course directly, along with overall ease of communication within the Rank Math universe, this is an area where this offering prevails.

6. Certifications and Credentials

While not all high-quality courses offer certification, a credential can be a testament to the course's quality and your newfound knowledge. It can be beneficial for career advancement or credibility.

Rank Math's Recognition: While certification is not explicitly mentioned, the depth of knowledge and practical skills gained from the course can significantly enhance a learner’s SEO capabilities, which is a credential in itself in the world of digital marketing.

7. Reviews and Testimonials

Look for courses with positive reviews and testimonials. Hearing about other students' experiences can give insights into the course's effectiveness and value.

Rank Math's Review: Well… you're reading this so you have a head start! : ) Their Rank Math plugin has overwhelming support in the 5-star review area, and their reputation is strong. As with any company, they aren't perfect (nor have they claimed so as far as I know), so in these instances I would offer that their more-than-generous 100% risk-free 30-day money back guarantee pretty much takes all the risk out of it. The best review of their product is YOU. With nothing to lose, I suggest it's an easy decision (of course, you have to commit to doing the work).

8. SEO Ethics

Learn the difference between ‘white hat' and ‘black hat' SEO practices. A reputable course will teach ethical SEO techniques that adhere to search engine guidelines, avoiding tactics that could result in penalties. This is CRUCIAL!!!

Rank Math's Integrity: The course emphasizes ‘white hat' SEO techniques, aligning with search engine guidelines to ensure learners can build sustainable and ethical SEO strategies. In my preview (and also in my multi-year use of their Rank Math Pro plugin for WordPress) have not encountered anything that I would deem risky. This is ‘white hat' stuff (and you'll be glad if you choose to stay in that arena!)

9. Cost-Effectiveness

Assess whether the course provides value for money. Don't equate price with quality – some high-priced courses may not deliver on their promises, while more affordable ones can sometimes offer dense, valuable content.

Rank Math's Value: With a structure designed to provide ongoing value through continuous content updates and expert access, the Rank Math SEO Course promises a cost-effective investment in SEO education. I'll also suggest if you truly and diligently apply the teachings in this course, that an improved organic ranking could result, and that improved ranking could easily render the course an extreme value. Your results may vary of course due to any number of factors, but everything I saw in this course is solid, foundational learning along with some real gems (you'll have to take the course for those… I'm not spilling the beans!)

10. Post-Course Resources

Good courses often provide resources for continued learning, such as access to updated content, membership in exclusive SEO communities, or ongoing webinars and talks.

Rank Math SEO Course Resources: Ongoing learning is a key feature, with the promise of new monthly content and access to an exclusive community that provides a platform for continuous improvement and learning. So in this category, this is a great opportunity worth considering. (PRO TIP: sometimes it is in these ongoing webinars and talks that an exponential value is to be found. Ssshhh… don't tell anybody! ; )

11. Compatibility with Your Skill Level

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SEO practitioner, the course should match your skill level and help you progress to the next stage.

Rank Math's Adaptability: The course caters to all levels of SEO proficiency, ensuring that every participant can grow their skill set, from basic to advanced strategies. Foundation is foundation, and it's foundation for a reason. Even seasoned pros can get some wisdom out of this course, or be reminded of a couple fundamentals they've been overlooking. Beginners and newbies… this is your shortcut to getting it right the first time, all in one place. No more watching youtube video after youtube video and going to 50 different sites.

12. Flexibility

For many, the appeal of an online course is its flexibility. Look for self-paced learning options if you need to fit the course around a busy schedule.

Rank Math's Flexibility: Self-paced learning is at the core of Rank Math SEO course design, allowing participants to learn on their own schedule, which is crucial for busy professionals. This, of course, is the benefit of online learning, and I like that they plan to build an enhanced community with ongoing features as well as ways to get your ongoing questions answered when you need them answered. If this goes as they plan, I could see this benefit eclipsing even the foundational course itself.

Miscellaneous Thoughts

  • Given how complex SEO can be… this course is positively concise. The good kind of concise. No fluff, just useful, actionable content, without all the filler so often seen in courses of this type.
  • I was pleasantly surprised that the course includes a number of great tips. Many other seo courses just tell you the basics, but this course goes above and beyond and provides useful, actionable content. (The keyword research area is particularly comprehensive and likely to give even seasoned seo pros a new idea here or there.)
  • When discussing models in section 6, the host alludes to a third model. this model was not covered. Would love to see that added in one of the ongoing updates.
  • The Rank Math SEO course tells you how to do keyword research WITHOUT spending money. (Many courses love to sell you tools for which they get commissions.) Which brings me to…
  • what are the problems with a lot of seo courses? ANSWER: they have ulterior motive. They want to sell you something. This course is different. I found no affiliate links, and while Rank Math as a company sells a great seo tool for wordpress websites (arguably the best seo plugin at the time of this writing), they don’t promote it beyond the awareness level. This is true attraction marketing. They provide value. If you get value and want more, then you can utilize other offerings in their business model. This is beneficial for their credibility.

Rank Math SEO Course TL;DR

Choosing the right online SEO course requires thorough research and an understanding of your learning preferences and career goals. The ideal course should not just teach you SEO; it should empower you to think critically about SEO strategy, stay updated on trends, and continuously improve your website or your clients' sites. Remember, in the world of SEO, knowledge is power, but the right application of that knowledge is what leads to success.

The challenge, especially for beginners, is navigating through the tumultuous sea of SEO advice that is often outdated, convoluted, or just plain ineffective (or wrong!). This is where the Rank Math SEO Course has great potential to shine and save students a lot of frustration and time.

Overall, the Rank Math SEO Course is more than just a beacon in the murky waters of SEO; it's a comprehensive navigational system. It ticks all the boxes for what one should look for in an online SEO course – breadth and depth of content, expertise, practical application, community support, and commitment to staying current with the tides of SEO trends. For those ready to embark on a voyage to conquer the waves of search engine rankings, Rank Math offers not just a map, but a compass and a crew to guide you to SEO success.

I'm going to recommend this one.

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